Sunday, September 23, 2012

About myself: King Landesman

King Landesman

I am a 21 year old from Downtown New york City. I went to four different high schools in three states. Two public schools in the city, and two boarding schools. After high school I took some time off to start a clothing brand. During my time in the city, I spent most of my time designing cloths, hanging out with friends, and the occasional odd job here and there. This past year I moved out of my house and rented out an apartment with a longtime friend. The experience was very helpful in preparing me for the real world. It gave me the chance to fully support myself and have to take care of a household with a roommate. Living with a friend having an apartment to ourselves created a college type experience. A lot of drinking, partying, and police as the RA's. It taught us how to be responsible with such a recourse.

This past summer I was lucky enough to get a job babysitting a family friends child. Her name is Galya and she's three years old. Babysitting Galya was special because I was able to see her grow and help teach her english. Seeing a young child evolve is really interesting and touching when the person your seeing grow is like a little sister to you. The experience really changed my outlook on kids.

My main interests include music and fashion, and art. In regard to music I like oldies, blues, jazz, some rock, some pop, hiphop, and r&b. In regard to fashion the main brands I purchase are, Ralph Lauren Polo and Rugby, Gant, Alife, Brooks Brothers, Supreme, G-Star Raw, and Nudies to name a few. Me and everyone in my neighborhood are very fashion conscious. We as well are into art. We spend a lot of time at art galleries and events. Living in downtown manhattan gives us the chance to go to an art opening, live show, and get some shopping done within a couple blocks. 


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