Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog #2 Kristen Connery

I love movies and to this day my favorite is Step Up. This movie came out in 2006, when I was in 7th grade and from the first time I watched it I couldn't stop. Everything about this movie interested me. It’s about a teenage boy, Tyler, who lives in a rough neighborhood with his foster parents and foster siblings. Tyler ends up getting in trouble one night with his friends vandalizing a nearby art school. Because of this vandalism charge he was ordered to do community service at this school, which was mostly janitorial work every day after he left school. This is where he meets Jenna, an attendant of the art school, majoring in dance. Jenna had to prepare and practice a dance routine for her “Senior Project” in hopes of getting scouted for a big dancing gig somewhere. Tyler saw Jenna from afar, and always had a wandering eye when she was near. One day Jenna’s partner for her dance project fell and twisted his ankle, leaving him unable to practice with her. Jenna, being down and out with no one to practice with, then remembered how previously she had seen Tyler and some friends joking around, and dancing in the parking lot. Once Jenna asked Tyler to help her practice while he partner was out, this sparked a romance and the rest is “Hollywood” as some would say.

I would recommend this movie if you like dance movies, drama’s and romance movies. 
This movie was such a hit in ’06 with $20,659,573 in the first week in the US, and $114,194,847 worldwide. After such a profit, the directors decided to make a sequel, a 3rd movie and so on. I believe, however, that the original is still the best of all.

Above is a clip of the final scene in the movie, the "Senior Project" that Jenna and Tyler had been preparing.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this movie as well; the first one is the best one I think. Every time I watch this movie I wish I could dance as well as them. Plus Channing Tatum kills it in this movie he is so good looking, and when he dances it makes the movie ten times better. What I think is even more adorable is how cute “Jenna and Tyler “are in the movie, and how they are really married in real life. I think they make such a cute match, and their connection in the movie really sparks up the movie ratings. I remember when the movie “Step Up,” first came out everyone wanted to go see it. All the girls were obsessed with Channing Tatum as well. What’s your favorite part of the movie? Do you like any of the other Step Up movies, or just this one? My favorite part is at the end when Tyler comes back, and does the group dance with everyone, and him and Jenna make up. I love happy romantic ending in a movie. Reading your blog makes me want to watch this movie so bad now!
