Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wanelo by kassandra rheaume

For any teenager that has online shopped, its always difficult to find exactly what your looking for. If you see a trend in a magazine, its hard to find them on online stores. A new discovery I made, made it a lot easier to do so! its called Wanelo . Its a lot like pinterest, a site where you can view photos of clothing, art, homes and all different things. The difference is though that when you click on one of the pictures on Wanelo, it links you to the exact site where you can buy the item from. It has millions and millions of products that stores and people post to sell. Anything from a one dollar ring to a 1,000 couch for your living room. People can put their items from eBay on, or from high end stores too. Its easy to find looks out of a magazine on Wanelo too, searching by categories. You can create an " epic wishlist " and put items in, like a shopping cart on a clothing website. Anyone can view your wishlist, which comes in handy for parents or friends to buy you Christmas and birthday gifts. You can also look up categories like " gifts for my boyfriend" or " funny finds" and view them like that. I started looking a week or so ago at the sight and have already sent my mom my Christmas list of things and found gifts for my friends and family too! My first look at Wanelo I was more than pleased with. I found a bunch of items that I could never find on other websites and it was a much more enjoyable online shopping trip.  its a great and easy site to do shopping or to just browse. Wanelo has also had great reviews from sites like etsy and appsmenow . people have said the site is a great way for people that aren't well know creators, to get their products out there for sale. People can direct ship their products to Wanelo account holders for easy shipping. All in all, I would recommend Wanelo to anyone who loves online shopping but hates to spend too much time on it!

1 comment:

  1. Kassie,
    I absolutely love Wanelo too! My mom had just asked me to start making a Christmas list for her, with being away from home made it very hard ,to show her what I wanted. But with wanelo I just gave her the link and told her to go on and see what I wanted. I couldn’t stop saving things to my epic list. Everything I saw on the feed I fell in love with! What’s your link? Id love to see what you like! I definitely like Wanelo better then Pintrest, I feel like Pintrest is just a tease cause I always find things I like but never know where to get them from. I was very surprised with the price of the clothes, I thought they were going to be very expensive but to my amazement they weren’t that bad. I would definitely recommend this site to all of my friends!

    Jessica Dobbins
