Tuesday, October 30, 2012

free music

iTunes is known by just about everyone in the world.  But to get songs and albums off iTunes you have to pay money.  No one wants to pay money for one song so a solution for that is a number of sources.  Some people use lime wire or frost wire, but an even easier way to download music is to go on a website by the name of http://www.youtube-mp3.org/.  
       This is a easy and free website that I use for mostly all my music. YouTube-mp3.org is the easiest online service for converting videos to mp3. You do not need an account, the only thing you need is a YouTube URL. What it allows you to do is copy the url from a you tube video and paste it to the website and it converts it to an MP3.  So for example if I go on you tube and listen to "Never gonna give you up" and want it on my iPhone I just copy and paste the link to the website and it converts it to an MP3 and goes to my iTunes library.  You can use this on any device even on an iPhone.
     I use this simply because its such an easy process and the best part about it is that its free.  If i used the iTunes store to buy my songs I would of spent about $1,500 just on songs.  Whats the point of that? So im glad I found this site it works really well and had no problems with it at all.  I recommend this to anyone that loves listening to music. 

1 comment:

  1. Dino 23, I agree and I really like your post. This is probably the best way to get free music. It’s first of all very fast, second very safe and third very reliable. I personally use this source very frequently. Whenever I find a good video/song on YouTube , I automatically go to convert it to an mp3 so I can have it on my iPod and phone. When you put how much you would have spent I did my math and id be spending about $2000 from all the music I have currently. It’s crazy how much money this website can save people and I’m glad at whoever made it. It saved me so much money. Hopefully YouTube doesn’t close the website ever because if we had to spend money on music, I would have no music at all.
