Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blog three Cell Phones

Phillip Mitto
Cell Phones
In our society today Mobile phones have because an ever more impressive and important part of everyday life. Before the days of mobile phone it was much harder to get in contact with other people. Now you brother or sister is just a phone call away if you would like to get in contact with them. the invention of the mobile phone has revolutionized the way people live there life. Can you imagine today without your cell phone or mobile device? Before cell phone it was much harder to contact almost anyone and the cell phone might be one of the most important inventions in the twenty first century. The cell phone has developed into a mainstream thing for people now-a-days in wealthier countries.            
In addition to mobile device , modern mobile phones also  have an other array of uses like text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless, gaming and photography.
The first hand-held mobile phone was  shown by  John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing about  2.2 pounds. From 1990 to 2011, worldwide cell phone contributions rose from 12.4 million to over 6 billion.
As for today cell phones have made life so much easier for people today. With a cell phone you are able to do everything form play a game to read an article to even do online banking. The convenience of a cell phone has become so mundane that almost everyone has one. It is not unusual to see a to see a child ages under twelve to have a cell phone of their own.  Also increasingly there has been an up rise in global cell phone use. More and more people across the world are gaining cell phone access.
To go along with the cell phone there has been an evolution of instant messaging through text messaging and black berry messaging along with many others.  This has made communicating with other even more adaptable and fast.
There has been a movement across the country of the United States to make texting and driving illegal because of the dangers of the driving implications. This is the only fault I have found with mobile phones.


  1. Phillip, I agree, you are so right. Mobile devices really have revolutionized the way we live. It is true that they are such a big part of our everyday lives. We can be anywhere in the world and talk to our family or friends with in an instant. There are a lot of pros to the mobile devices, talking on the go, using Internet while waiting for an appointment, being able to contact police and fire if you see an accident on the highway, texting homework to a teacher and the list goes on. Cons, there are really never any good excuses for not answering your phone because more than likely it is always with you and people can track your whereabouts at any time with the tracking device APP. Truth is we have very little privacy with our mobile devices but I doubt any of us would ever give them up.

  2. i couldn't agree more cell phones have changed the way we live. We are a just a few numbers away to talk one of your family members, brother, sister, mother, father and the list goes on. This device makes our life so much easier,it became that easy that we became dependent on the phone. Without the phone communication would be harder for example businesses would have trouble to be in contact and proceed their work to keep their business running. the phone is kind of a symbol of technology, just imagine what would happen if technology wouldn't work anymore because we don't have any electricity anymore we wouldn't know what to do. What if you were in a stage of emergency lets say somebody needs medical help and you would try to call an ambulance but you cant because we don't have a phone anymore. Thats how we know that the pone is one of the most dependable devices.

  3. You make a lot of very good points here. I agree on how phones have changed our lives and we are just one button away from talking to basically anyone in the world. We rely on them so much that we wouldn't know what to do without them. It does just about everything for us you're right. From online shopping, banking to even having a conversation with the phone. It does have some cons though. We rely on them TOO much, I feel like a majority of cell phone users lost a lot of patience now a days. And of course people feel the need to text and drive and that has caused many deaths and continue to be a huge problem. Other than that our phones are basically our bestfriends.
